Greetings to all you brave Rocketeers who joined this past weekend! Yes, Saturday was BEAUTIFUL. Low winds, really nice temps and a welcome light cloudy sky made our day really enjoyable. Lots of great help in the setup made it possible to be flying quickly after the safety briefing. Thanks Mike for LCO'ing much of the launch. Great to have Bracha with us and many new visiting and watching rocketeers. Thank you so much for your help in setup. I appreciate how many of you came in new and asked how to help, then dug right in with instructions. You did well! Thank you also, especially with tear down--for those who finished up! Those of you with kids, we are SO glad you joined us.


Yes, the field was mushy, but I hope that you stayed dry. Somehow I managed not to get my feet really wet.


We love having your kids be part of our launches. We veteran fliers are thrilled with you bringing in your new creations and having a great time flying when you do.


No rain, Two rockets in trees(I think?--Mike finally got to fly and "Bubba" landed in the top of that pesky tree! I hope you can get Bubba back. Upper level wind currents sometimes surprised us with an extra long duration flight. Sorry about the Little Joe that flew all the way across the field and then into the trees on the east. Did you find it?


Gary D gave us a spectacular "closest to the pad" 2 stage flight with a low altitude booster to sustainer transition. It almost looked like a CATO. True to Gary's form, it landed safely with parachute deployed. Amazing. Today was Mercury day. We had multiple flights of the Mercury Redstone rockets and of the Little Joes. Little Joe II also flew several times in small and mid-scale. Carl flew a record #50 flight on his Mercury Redstone. Other sport scale rockets included Black Brant, Blue Origin, Saturn V Skylab, and a Delta IV to name a few. Jackson did it right with an Estes F15-4 Motor to move his Saturn V up and away on two nice flights. Cory entertained us with his Der Red Max's including a F15 flight once. I don't remember all of the good flights, but we sure shot a lot of rockets. 80 flights total!


Welcome to all who came to watch and launch. We hope that you enjoyed your time and will come again in November. Way to go folks!


Keep on getting your rockets ready. See you in November!